Our exhibitors at FT-Day 2024


ACE Lab (Read more...)Amped Software (Read more...)Compelson (Read more...)Cyacomb (Read more...)Cybertriage (Read more...)Detego (Read more...)
Disklabs (Read more...)Elcomsoft (Read more...)Exterro (Read more...)Opentext (Read more...)Oxygen Forensics® (Read more...)Passware (Read more...)
Tovek (Read more...)Teeltechnologies (Read more...)TH Köln (Read more...)University College Dublin (Read more...)
Special Workshops (1/2 day) by Oxygen Forensics & Exterro - please bring your laptop!

Exibitor information



Malfunctioning storage media is no longer a hindrance to your investigations. The PC-3000 by ACE Lab is the world's only technology providing access to data from ALL types of storage devices regardless of the extent of damages. Digital forensics investigators can solve their cases which have not been solved yet.

Presentation: Using the PC-3000 Technological Mode approach to recover data from SSDs based on native USB controllers
Workshop: PC-3000 Mobile PRO solutions for flagship Mediatek CPU chipsets

Amped Software

Amped Software

Amped software is setting the standard for image and video forensics.
Amped Software
solutions are used by the top law enforcement, military, and government agencies worldwide. The company focuses on developing global leading solutions for all image and video processing needs relating to forensics, investigations, public safety, and intelligence. With an emphasis on the transparency of the methodologies used, Amped solutions empower customers with the three main principles of the scientific method: accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility.

Presentation: German - Effizienz in der Videoauswertung – Wie Amped Replay hilft, die Ermittlungszeiten zu verkürzen und gleichzeitig die Stringenz in der Beweissicherung stärkt



Software used by millions of users for phone content management, data transfer and investigation.

Compelson Labs was founded in 1991 and is known for its pioneering products, such as MOBILedit, currently used by millions of users worldwide for many mobile phone-related tasks. Their knowledge and expertise go to the edge of technological possibilities.

Compelson phone content transfer products are used in phone stores and service centers around the globe, to help users easily migrate to their new phones.

Presentation: Smartwatches: Exploring Forensic Possibilities and Limitations of the most Popular Wearables



Cyacomb, founded in 2016 by Ian Stevenson and Bruce Ramsay, aims to make the online world safer through innovative technology. The company develops tools to quickly detect and remove malicious content in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and social networks. Cyacomb is characterised by its values, attention to detail and commitment to quality. As a founding member of the OSTIA, Cyacomb helps to promote online safety and influence regulatory policy in this area.

Presentation: Make seizure decisions in seconds in child abuse cases
Workshop: Introduction to Cyacomb 3.0. The gold standard in rapid triage for child abuse cases. (please bring your laptop)



CyberTriage is a solution from Sleuth Kit Labs designed to help cybersecurity professionals and first responders in IT forensics. This software automates the investigation of incidents such as malware infections and hacker attacks by collecting and analysing data from endpoints. It prioritises key artefacts to identify and remediate potential threats faster. Thanks to its user-friendly interface and advanced risk assessment algorithms, CyberTriage enables fast and accurate decision-making on security incidents.

Presentation:Remote Access Forensics: Knowing Who Accessed The Computer – Brian Carrier
Workshop: Investigating a Ransomware Case Using Cyber Triage (Eigenes Windows Laptop benötigt!)



Disklabs Ltd is the UK's leading digital forensics provider with over 25 years' experience in providing expertise to the public and private sectors. Our specialist digital forensics services are successfully delivered to law enforcement agencies, government departments, global corporations and legal teams.we combine digital expertise with forensics, eDiscovery & Disclosure and cyber security and have specialist digital forensics labs, data recovery, data erasure and asset management facilities - all under one roof.

Detego Global

Detego Global

Detego Global are the creators of the Detego® Unified Digital Forensics Platform, an end-to-end suite of modular tools used globally by military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and enterprise organisations. With today’s investigators faced with an onslaught of digital devices and the corresponding mass of data that is created, Detego® has become the go-to toolset for rapidly acquiring, analysing and acting on evidence and intelligence.

Presentation: Unveiling Detego’s Game-Changing Features: Transform Your Digital Forensics
Workshop: Fast-track investigations with Detego Global’s award-winning tools (please bring your laptop)



ElcomSoft offers a comprehensive range of tools to enable access to different types of data by recovering passwords and decrypting encrypted files and volumes. The range of mobile forensic products allows forensically accurate collection of evidence from a variety of smartphones and cloud services.

Presentation: iOS Acquisition Methods: from Backups to Full File System Extraction

Workshop: Understanding Password Protection and the Decryption Workflow



Exterro empowers legal teams to proactively and defensibly manage their Legal Governance, Risk and Compliance (Legal GRC) requirements. Our Legal GRC software is the only comprehensive platform that automates the complex interconnections of privacy, legal operations, digital investigations, cybersecurity response, compliance and information governance. Thousands of legal teams around the world in corporations, law firms, government and law enforcement agencies trust our integrated Legal GRC platform to manage their risks and drive successful outcomes at a lower cost.

Presentation: Transformation of digital evidence handling with FTK (8.1) (GERMAN)

Special-Workshop: Exterro FTK 8.1 Training (please bring your laptop) (GERMAN)



Opentext are the proud new owners of Guidance Software and Tableau Hardware. EnCase® Forensic offers the user optimal forensic examination possibilities on the desired data medium. The data can be stored in an image and evaluated with efficient search mechanisms. This is of course done while maintaining data integrity.

Presentation: What’s new in Encase and the Tableau range

Workshop: Introduction of the Artefact Explorer in EnCase & the new TX2

Oxygen Forensics®

Oxygen Forensics®

Oxygen Forensics is the leading global digital forensics software provider, giving law enforcement, federal agencies, and enterprises access to critical data and insights faster than ever before. Specializing in mobile devices, cloud, drones and IoT data, Oxygen Forensics provides the most advanced digital forensic data extraction and analytical tools for criminal and corporate investigations. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, Oxygen Forensics has been providing solutions in the mobile device forensics market since the beginning of our mobile-connected world. Today, Oxygen Forensics has a presence in over 150 countries, among nearly 10,000 customers, spanning local and regional law enforcement agencies, defense and homeland security organisations, and private enterprises.

Presentation: Unlocking the Android Keystore
Special-Workshop: Capture the flag with Oxygen Forensics (please bring your laptop)



Passware forensic products are used by the world’s top law enforcement agencies to crack cases where decryption is required -- with a 70-percent success rate. Passware has been used to prevent nuclear terrorism, has saved hostages held at gunpoint, and is law enforcement’s tool of choice in preventing child exploitation.

Presentation: Recovering Encrypted Evidence with Passware
Workshop: Recovering Encrypted Evidence with Passware



Since 2006, our mission at Teel Technologies is to provide the best tools, training and services for professionals tasked with investigating mobile devices and digital media. We focus on the total lab establishment, training in all skill levels, as well as applying our extensive experience and expertise in our services offering. This allows us to provide a comprehensive approach to all clients to meet their specific requirements.

Our unyielding credo of maintaining the highest level of integrity and quality ensures our customers are provided with the best service and support in the industry.

Presentation: Vehicle Forensics: Overcoming Challenges with Advanced Acquisition Techniques

TH Köln

TH Köln

Die Technische Hochschule Köln – kurz TH Köln – versteht sich als University of
Technology, Arts, Sciences. Mit ihrer disziplinären und kulturellen Vielfalt und Offenheit gestaltet sie Soziale Innovation und liefert substanzielle Beiträge zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Angewandte Naturwissenschaften; Architektur und Bauwesen; Information und Kommunikation; Informatik; Ingenieurwesen; Kultur, Gesellschaft und Soziales sowie Wirtschaft. Die 43 Bachelor- und mehr als 50 Masterstudiengänge bieten neben dem Vollzeitmodell teilweise auch Möglichkeiten zum dualen oder zum Teilzeitstudium. In der Forschung stehen Zukunftsfragen wie Klimawandel, Energieversorgung,
Ernährungssicherheit und demographischer Wandel im Fokus; bei der Entwicklung von Lösungsstrategien und der Gestaltung der wichtigsten Fragen der Zeit bringen die Forscherinnen und Forscher ihre fachliche Expertise im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel ein. Dabei arbeiten sie eng mit lokalen, nationalen und internationalen Kooperationspartnern zusammen, darunter 290 Hochschulen im Ausland. Die Hochschule bietet ihren Forscherinnen und Forschern ein attraktives Wirkungsumfeld. Mit dem Gütesiegel „HR Excellence in Research“ bestätigt die EU Kommission der TH Köln internationale Standards in der Personalentwicklung.

Presentation:Maschinelles Lernen verstehen: Grundlagen der KI



Tovek is a leading company in the field of information processing and analysis. With a unique software platform, they enable their customers to find, understand and utilise information from a variety of data sources. Their focus is on helping their customers make informed decisions, save time and money, and protect their business and assets. With many years of experience and numerous awards for their innovative products and solutions, Tovek is a trusted partner for organisations looking for effective information processing and analytics tools.

Presentation: Advanced Analysis of PCAP and Phone data in Tovek Tools
Workshop: Connecting dots from multiple sources using Tovek Tools

University College Dublin

University College Dublin

The School of Computer Science in University College Dublin is the largest computer science department in Ireland with over 1,000 students. Their academics and researchers are active in the field of digital forensics and cybersecurity. As well as BSc undergraduate degrees we also offer a range of Masters level degrees and a structured PhD program.Their online MSc in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation has been running since 2006 and has 1500 alumni in 70 countries. The new MSC in Cybersecurity is providing opportunities for IT professionals to upskill while they work. The UCD Centre for Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Investigation is one of the the leading European centres working with law enforcement and Industry to support the fight against cybercrime through a range of capacity building solutions including training, education, forensic tool development and targeted research.

Presentation: Education and research for law enforcement investigators